Links to Pack 88 Resources
Scoutbook is the BSA’s online platform where you can find all information about Pack 88, your Den, and your Cub Scout’s progress through their achievements and ranks. Login here.
Our private Facebook Page
Pack 88 runs a private Facebook page where Pack members can upload photos/videos and interact with other members of the Pack. Click here to view or request an invitation to join!
Pack 88 Store
Need to pay annual dues, buy a Pack T-shirt, or book a camp out? The Pack 88 Store can handle all these payments via credit card: click here for the Pack 88 store.
Sam Houston Area Council
Pack 30 is in the Lonestar District of Sam Houston Area Council (SHAC). The Council serves approximately 46,000 youth in 16 counties in Southeast Texas through dedicated service and leadership of approximately 16,000 adult volunteers. Scouting is completely funded by the generosity of those that believe in its mission. SHAC’s website can be found here.
BSA Scout Shop
The BSA Scout Shop is your one stop for all Scouting uniform and equipment needs. You can visit the Houston location at 2225 N Loop W Suite A, Houston, TX 77008 or shop online at
What to bring to a camp out!
Looking for a good list of the equipment to bring to a camp out? Sam Houston Area Council has a great one on their website (scroll down to the ‘Preparing For Camp’ tab: